Director: Kathryn Bigelow
Cast: Jeremy Renner
Anthony Mackie
Brian Geragthy
A story based on Iraq peace keeping operation of United State Army.
Team of bomb disposal (EOD) face to more accident and meet real life fantasy, sorry it is not fantasy it is real military life every time and every country.
They do their work better but they not do any political part in this job and director also not talks about political in this movie
But we know USA mission in Iraq is totally political harassment in ever made in one nation to another.
Most country has one or more experience with bomb blast,
It is very dangers, when it disposal, till last second it killer bomb but after next second it is only explosive container.
Man who engage in this work understand one thing “ I can do every thing only one time not it second chance”
The film is made marvels attraction because they do every thing like real military life
How she (director) can understand of military life this much
Really this film is #1 in last year
But it not best seller of Boxoffice
If you want download this film with out pay you can log torrent site
But I don’t know Its legally you can decide it
Meet next time with another film
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